The Endless Debate
The importance of industrial labor can’t be overstated here due to its pervasiveness over the years. The global economy has boomed and a pivotal reason for that is the tireless work of industrial labor. However, it would be amiss to not mention the perils they go through. The dangerous nature of their work requires Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – particularly handwear. That’s where the TIG Gloves vs MIG Gloves debate traces back its origins to.
Before we go on to describe the characteristics and uniqueness of each pair, it’s necessary to explain what welding handwear offers. To those unaware they are also known as protective or safety wear which is an essential element in the welding process. They provide a protective layer against sparks, high heat, and other many other hazards occuring during welding operations. With that said, let’s move on to the crux of the matter.
TIG Gloves vs MIG Gloves
Designed for the semi-automatic process of MIG welding, these handwear provides optimum protection. These gauntlet-like equipment are thickly padded and loose on the hand making them ideal for certain tasks. Though it offers ample protection to either hand, it serves the non-dominant hand even better. This is because the nature of work in MIG welding requires frequent generation of big arcs.
Consequently, thick leather ensures that the hand remains secure and safe regardless of the circumstances. Thus, offering holistic security to the wearer to go about their tasks without worry.
These types of handwear specialize in one purpose most of the time- torch wielding. That is not to say that its uses aren’t manifold. Rather, its disposition makes it the ideal option for the rigorous process of torch welding. The torch creates small arcs that require significant dexterity on the wielder’s part to operate it correctly. To achieve said agility and nimbleness, TIG, or TGAW welding handwear, use a much lighter and thinner construction. This provides the wearer with dexterity required to perform their job efficiently.
However, during debates surrounding TIG gloves vs MIG gloves, the latter’s proponents bring up the issue of lessened safety. Nonetheless, it would be incorrect to assume that TIG pairs are unsafe as all PPE need to pass regulatory checks before they make their way to a plant. Making them not only perfectly safe, but effective in their purpose.
TIG Gloves vs MIG Gloves: The Differences
- Material: For TIG, the requirements are for it to be flexible and nimble. That’s why the stretchable properties of goatskin and lambskin perform ideally for its construction.This provides with the dexterity and lightness required for workers to do their job effectively.
On the other hand, the MIG pairs, known for their durability and ruggedness, translate into thicker, sturdier leather. In other words, it uses cowhide or split leather for its construction. The compact nature of this material provides them with the necessary sturdiness. Thus, making them a secure piece of handwear. - Design: Because the TIG pairs offer an unrivaled deftness to its wearer, it’s understandable that it’s a tight wear. They fit over the hands to a tee, making any and all movements fluid and smooth. Moreover, a thinner cuff is often found on most of them to keep the wrist free for movement. Hence, making the most agile handwear in the market today.
Meanwhile, their counterpart sports a bulkier and heavier disposition. They’re padded and thicker to offer a more compact protection and insulation. This thick and heavy structure results in a more loose wear for the users. Thus, limiting the deftness that’s otherwise present in its counterpart but offering a more holistic layer of security. This comes in incredibly handy against spatter and heat in the workplace. - Heat Resistance: Though both pairs offer a basic level of resistance, their respective levels differ. When it comes to TIG, they offer a good degree of protection, but their lack of insulation plays against it. The primary reason for that is that TIG welding seldom faces much spatter or heat. Hence, even a minimal degree of protection perfectly satisfies the safety concerns of the regulators.
Having said that, there are various industrial tasks that come up against significant spatter and heat. That’s why these departments prefer the MIG route to its alternative. The extra padding and ample insulation makes the perfect fit for these tasks. Additionally, they can keep the hands secure from intense heat and burns as well as the forearms. Hence, making them the perfect choice for these processes. - Durability: There’s no need to mention the intense, rigorous nature of industrial work here. Hence, when factories look for protective gear, they make a point of opting for the most durable one. That’s why each PPE – including handwear – needs to have certain durability. When it comes to TIG, the case is no different. However, due to their lighter and thinner constitution, they’re susceptible to abrasion and spatter. Hence, making them the less durable of the two types.
In contrast, MIG handwear enjoy a thicker material and heavy padding in their construction. Thus, they’re more resistant to all sorts of wear and tear they go through in a plant. They are built to withstand the constant spatters and intense heat of MIG welding. Not only do they bear the harsh conditions but provide enough dexterity for workers to complete their tasks effectively.
TIG Gloves vs MIG Gloves: The Better Option
Now to the main part of the TIG Gloves vs MIG Gloves debate. Which is the better option? Well, the truth is that each pair contains its merits and demerits. Thus, making them appropriate for some tasks and inappropriate for others.
The TIG Gloves vs MIG gloves often fail to mention its similar traits, though it differs when viewed overall. The latter is more suited for clean, precise work whilst the former is often used in heavy-duty tasks. Hence, the better option depends on the nature of the work being done.
All in all, each pair offers something unique to the user. Hence, there’s no one option better than the other. Rather they both are good at welding and protecting industrial workers from all sorts of harm. Welding handwear made in the USA or any other part of the world have gone through significant development over the years. Yet, the TIG Gloves vs MIG Gloves debate rages on.